November 14, 2010

I heart Oly: Pictures of the People

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November 14, 2010

I heart Oly

What does it take to love a city?

The big city is a haven for grim faces and a fortress against personal connection.  As exciting as the tall buildings, varying shops, and clamorous noises can be, when you get down to the street level it is a curious set of souls that inhabit the city.  No interaction, no interruption.  Walls of silence that want to go about without rubbing elbows with another city-dwellers.

During a visit to the big city, I couldn’t help observe the sad production of life being played out.  Soon I had a growing heartache for the complacency echoed throughout the faces of the city.  Without actually knowing what I was doing, I pull out my camera and make ready to cut through the walls of silence…

 “Can you make a heart?”

There is a deep love for people and the city, that is rooted in the faith I follow.  It is this unabashed devotion to see strangers’ eyes light up with joy, that I decide to invade the day and ask, “Can you make a heart?”

These photos capture the heart of city – exposed!  These are responses to the challenge.  Everyone I asked to strike a pose and take a picture would laugh, giggle, and grin.  Some people even sought me out to have their own heart-moment captured.  The only thing I wish my camera could have caught, was the glow of that soul as they walked away.

The answer to the question of how to love a city is to just provide a moment to folks for them to be themselves.  When you walk up to someone and they don’t have to earn your respect, trust, and love – it is a gift that breaks down walls.  After all, we all want to escape our own defenses and have someone  recognize our priceless smiles, share a spirit of spontaneity, and to love us instantly.

Can you make a heart?  Will you open yourself up to spending a moment with a stranger?  Take the challenge and see what your own city has to offer.